TUGAS DAN FUNGSI BADAN PENGAWAS PEMILU JAWA TIMUR (Studi Kasus Terhadap Upaya Penanganan Pelanggaran Pemilu 2024 di Jawa Timur)


  • rizky Pangestuty Mileniandry putry Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
  • Sucahyo Tri Budiono
  • Putu Ari Saruhum Hasibuan

Kata Kunci:

Bawaslu East Java Province, Election Supervision, Election Violations, Enforcement of Violations


This study aims to examine the duties and functions of the East Java Election Supervisory Agency towards efforts to handle violations of the 2024 elections in East Java. The focus of the research includes an analysis of Bawaslu's preventive actions, prosecution of election violations in maintaining the integrity of general elections. In the background, it is explained that Bawaslu has an important role as a supervisor, executor, and decider of election cases based on Law number 7 of 2017. The formulation of the problem includes questions about the duties and functions of Bawaslu East Java Province in preventing potential election violations and the steps taken against these violations. The research objectives include further understanding of the duties and functions of Bawaslu and evaluating the effectiveness of prosecution of election violations. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative research. Data analysis techniques were carried out through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion verification. Data were collected through interviews, observations, field notes, personal documents, and official documents of Bawaslu East Java Province. The results showed that Bawaslu has a critical role in maintaining election integrity with strong preventive tasks, such as socialisation, the formation of a monitoring team and cooperation with external parties. Socialisation of Bawaslu's roles and functions to the community is key in preventing potential election violations. In addition, the research highlights the steps of enforcement that involve a process of findings, clarification, analysis, and recommendations.



Cara Mengutip

TUGAS DAN FUNGSI BADAN PENGAWAS PEMILU JAWA TIMUR (Studi Kasus Terhadap Upaya Penanganan Pelanggaran Pemilu 2024 di Jawa Timur). (2024). Journal of Politics, Governance and Society, 1(1), 28-43. https://journalng.uwks.ac.id/pgs/article/view/142