About the Journal

Journal of Natural Sciences and Learning is published by the Department of Biology Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya. The Journal of Natural Sciences and Learning covers many academic disciplines, publishing articles for researchers, and educators and providing a forum for the sharing, dissemination and discussion of research, experience and perspectives across a wide range of natural science and learning. Criteria for publication in the Journal of Natural Sciences and Learning are novelty, quality, and general interest in experimental and theoretical basic natural sciences and biology/science education and learning.

In detail, the scopes of this journal are research in:

  1. Life Sciences and Biology;
  2. Natural Science;
  3. Environmental Science;
  4. Biomaterial and Bioinformatic;
  5. Curriculum, Teaching and Learning;
  6. Biology Education;
  7. Learning Media;
  8. Learning/Teaching Methodologies;
  9. Educational Projects and Innovations;
  10. Science Educational Technology;
  11. Lesson Study in Biology/Natural Science Learning.

p-ISSN: 2963-1041, e-ISSN: 2962-9837