Author Guideline

Author Guidelines

General Information

PENITI BANGSA (Pemanfaatan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Bagi Masyarakat) accepts community services manuscripts that have not been published and are not currently in the process of scientific publication elsewhere.

At least three peer reviewers independently review every submitted paper. The decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon their reports/recommendations and made by Editor. If two or more reviewers consider a manuscript unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis for the decision will be sent to the authors within three months of the submission date.

All manuscripts must be submitted to the PENITI BANGSA (Pemanfaatan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Bagi Masyarakat) Editorial Office using the Online Submission portal, where the author register as an Author online. If authors have any problems with the online submission, please get in touch with Editorial Office at the following email:

The only type of manuscript acceptable for publication is an Original Article.

Reviewing Process of manuscripts

At least three peer reviewers independently review every submitted paper. The decision for publication, Accept, Revise, and rejection is based upon their reports/recommendations and made by Editor.  All reviewer comments will be sent to the author as a basis for decision-making. In detail, the review process is as follows:

1. Editors first review the submitted manuscript, called the initial review by the editors. Then, it will be desk evaluated whether the submitted manuscript is suitable for the PENITI-BANGSA based on focus and scope, similarity score by using Crosscheck-iThenticate, methodological flaw, readability of the articles, and adhering to the submitted paper template. (download here)
2. The manuscript will be sent to at least three anonymous reviewers(Double-Blind Peer-Review).
3. The anonymous reviewers' comments are then sent to the corresponding author for necessary actions and responses. Afterward, the editorial team meeting suggested the authors' final decision on the revised manuscript.
4. Finally, the Editor will send the final decision to the corresponding author.
5. The accepted manuscript continued with copyediting and layout editing to prepare the camera-ready paper.

Review Outcomes

Utilizing feedback from the peer review process, the Editor will make a final publication decision. The review process will take approximately 4 to 8 weeks. Decisions categories include:

  • Reject - Rejected manuscripts will not be published, and authors will not have the opportunity to resubmit a revised version to PENITI-BANGSA.
  • Resubmit for Review– The submission needs to be reworked, but it may be accepted with significant changes. However, It will require a second round of review.
  • Accept with Revisions - Manuscripts receiving an accept-pending-revisions decision will be published in PENITI-BANGSA under the condition that Minor or Major modifications are made. An editorial team will review revisions to ensure necessary updates are made before publication.
  • Accept - Accepted manuscripts will be published in the current form, requiring no further modifications.


All manuscript correspondence should be directed to the Editor of PENITI-BANGSA and cc to The Editor will handle all correspondence to the lead author; the lead author is responsible for sharing communications with other authors. Beyond communication concerning the review, manuscripts accepted for publication may require additional correspondence to complete copyediting and layout editing.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

The manuscript texts are written in Indonesian, with two abstracts in English and Indonesian (see PENITI-BANGSA Template). Manuscripts that match the templates will be reviewed first by the editorial board. The main text of a manuscript must be submitted as a Word document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. (Not in PDF or not editable document). The manuscript template can be downloaded here, or click on the template icon at the bottom of this page.

The manuscript is well-typed in a single column on A4 size paper and uses 12 pt of Times New Roman; the manuscript contains an original work and has potentially contributed to implemented scientific advancement.

The manuscript should contain the following section in order:

a. Title

The title should describe the main content of the article, be informative, concise, accurate, unambiguous, specific, not too wordy  (12-14 words only), and not contain formulas and infrequently-used abbreviations. This is your opportunity to attract the reader’s attention. Remember that readers are the potential authors who will cite your article. Identify the main issue of the paper. Begin with the subject of the paper. The title should and complete.

The title describes the conducted research, Times ne roman, font size 14, Bold,  single line spacing, 0 pt after spacing. 

b.   The author-name

Full name without academic degrees and titles, written in capital letters. Manuscript written by groups needs to be supplemented by complete contact details. 

c.   Name of affiliation for each author

The author's name should be accompanied by a complete affiliation address, email, and corresponding email.

d.   Abstract

The abstract, which is comprised of approximately 200 words, provide a brief description of problems, aims, the method used, results, s, and clear conclusions about the sustainability of the community service. An abstract should stand alone, which means that no citation in the abstract. Consider it the advertisement of your article. The abstract should tell the prospective reader what you did and highlight the key findings. Avoid using technical jargon and uncommon abbreviations. You must be accurate, brief, clear, and specific. Use words that reflect the precise meaning. The abstract should be precise and honest. 

It emphasizes research results written in single-line spacing with left and right margins 0.5 cm narrower than the main text. 3-5 keywords must be written to describe the research scope observed as well as the main terms undergirding the research. These keywords can be single and/or combined words.

KeywordsWritten in English  3-5 words or groups of words, written alphabetically. Keywords are the labels of your article and are critical to correct indexing and searching. Therefore the keywords should represent the content and highlight your article. Use only those abbreviations that are firmly established in the field. 

e.   Introduction

This section could also provide the expected results. The introduction must be written in single-line spacing. The introduction comprises: (1) a Problem; (2) insight and problem solve planning; (3) a summary of theoretical studies and the results of the present study (state of the art), related to the observed problems (gap analysis), and (4) Purpose of community service.

In an Introduction, the Authors should state the objectives of the work at the end of the introduction section. Prior to the goal, the Author must provide sufficient background, and a very short literature survey to record the existing solutions/methods, to show which is the best from previous research supporting community service or previous community service that is ongoing with the activities listed, to demonstrate the main limitations of previous activities, to demonstrate what is to be achieved (to overcome limitations) and to demonstrate benefits to society in a sustainable manner. Do not describe the literature survey as author by author, but should be presented as a group per method or topic reviewed which refers to some literature.

f.    Methods

The method must make the reader able to apply the results of the activities that have been carried out. Provide sufficient detail to allow the work and activity to be reproduced. Published methods must be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications should be described. Do not repeat the details of an existing method.

Basically, this section describes how the research was conducted. The main materials that must be written here: are (1) the design of community service activities; (2) activity target population; (3) techniques for achieving success and measuring success; (4) data analysis techniques and the concept of sustainability of activities.

Specifications and types of tools and materials must be written if activities have been carried out using these tools and materials.

It is suggested that the writer avoids organizing the contents of the article into smaller parts than the second subheading in this section. However, in terms of unavoidable factors, the writing style should follow the “Results and Discussion” section.

g.   Results and Discussion

This section is the main part of the article on the results of community service, namely presenting the results of "continuous improvement" in the application of science in society. Data analysis processes, such as statistical computation and hypothesis testing, do not need to be presented. The material reported is the result of analysis and results of hypothesis testing from the results of application in the community. In addition, tables and graphs can also be displayed to recite verbal narrations. Tables and figures must be commented on or discussed. Details of qualitative research are written in several sub-topics that are directly related to the focus category.

The discussion of the article aims to: (1) answer problems and questions about the application of science in society; (2) show the ways in which updates and improvements are made; (3) interpret innovation in a scientific application; (4) link the results of the application with the theoretical knowledge structure; (5) bring up new concepts or modify existing theories in the application of knowledge in society.

In discussion, this is the most important part of your article. Here you get the opportunity to sell your data. Create a discussion according to the results, but don't repeat the results. It is often necessary to start with a brief summary of the application of knowledge in society.

The following components should be included in the discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction (what/how) section? Do you provide a scientific interpretation of each application result you present (why)? Are your results consistent with what other authors have reported (what else)? Or is there a difference? After the activity is finished, what is the concept of sustainability from the application of science in society (sustainability)?

The results of community service must be clearly concluded in answering questions about the problems faced. Interpreting findings should be done using logic and presenting results that support it. The findings are in the form of facts found in the field directly related to scientific research or the sustainability of previous community service activities. This must be supported by trusted references.

h.   Conclusion

This section contains a summary of the results and a discussion that refers to the purpose of community service. Thus, new main ideas, which are an important part of their application, are then developed.

The conclusion must answer the purpose of community service activities. Tell how your work advances the field from the current state of knowledge. Without a clear conclusion, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to assess the work, and whether or not it is appropriate to be published in PENITI-BANGSA. Do not repeat the Abstract, or only include the results of the activity. Provide a clear scientific and logical justification for your work, and demonstrate the possibility of continued application. You should also suggest future sustainable implementations and/or indicate ongoing activities.

Suggestions based on the findings of the activities discussed are also written in this section. These should be based on practical activities, the development of new applications, and/or follow-up activities.

i.    Acknowledgement 

This section can be written if there are certain parties that need to be known, such as sponsors supporting funds. Include people who have assisted you in your studies: Advisors, Financial supporters, or possibly other supporters, i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers, who may have provided material. Does not acknowledge any of the author's names. Confessions should be written briefly and clearly. Also, avoid hyperbole.

j.    References

Citation and referencing must be written based on APA style 6th Edition which is organized by using Mendeley software's latest version (See Mendeley User Guidelines).