branding Lembaga, Instagram, IGPAUDMNU, Lembaga, Instagram, IGPAUDMUAbstract
Branding is the definition and development of identity for a brand including
character, content, and relationship with consumers in any type of
communication or interaction. Institutional branding is the identity of an
institution that can create a perception in the minds of readers, namely
regarding the values and qualities held by the owner of the name. Branding of
an institution is also a way to shape self-image, personal character, areas of
expertise and interest as well as special things for the community with the aim
of forming positive perceptions. In the personal branding process, self-image
can be formed when uploading photos and videos on Instagram.
IGPAUDMNU is an association of Early Childhood Education Teachers under
the auspices of the Muslimat Nadhalatul Ulama whose members are teachers
throughout East Java Province. The aim of this community service activity is
Instagram training to improve Institutional Branding for IGPAUDMNU East
Java Province using Instagram.
The implementation method in community service uses qualitative methods
which include delivering material, collecting data by interviews. The
description of the material starts from motivation about technology to later
operation and optimization of the application. Data collection was carried out
by interviews and taking documentation through pictures of each social media
owned by Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya with the ukwsmediacenter ig
Community service activities can provide benefits for teachers in terms of
information services, communication and documentation facilities for every
activity carried out by young children as students of the participants which can
be seen by the entire community. Teachers can understand how to use social
media as a means of communication, information and documentation.
Keywords: institutional branding, Instagram, IGPAUDMNU
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