Bangun Perubahan Perilaku Masyarakat dengan Distribusi Hand Sanitizer Organik Gratis di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19
Covid-19 pandemic, Hand sanitizer, Betel leaf, Natural, LimeAbstract
Covid-19 cases in Indonesia continue to grow until now. This virus has spread to various parts of Indonesia, including Triwung Kidul Village, Dringu, Kraksaan and also Maron, Probolinggo City. Some of these villages are in red zone status. The red zone area has a very high level of potential risk of transmission. The public must of course be more disciplined in complying with health protocols, especially using hand sanitizers. Therefore, an alternative is needed that can be a solution to save expenses in the midst of a pandemic like now. The purpose of this empowerment activity is to educate the public so that they can make their own hand sanitizer at home by utilizing materials that are in the surrounding environment. The stages of activities carried out in this service program include the socialization stage, the implementation stage of making hand sanitizers, and the evaluation stage. The implementation of the program for making natural hand sanitizers was demonstrated directly by involving the local community from each group because it was in accordance with the advice from the government that there should be no crowds to avoid the Covid-19 virus. Therefore, we distribute them by going around the village by distributing hand sanitizers from our group. The results of this service program are natural hand sanitizer products made from betel leaf, lime and 70% alcohol, which can be used by the community for their daily activity needs.