Optimalisasi Perpustakaan Desa Dalam Upaya Pengembangan Produk Pertanian Oleh Warga di Dusun Suco Desa Pengampon Kabupaten Jombang
Human Resources, Village Library, Community serviceAbstract
Community service carries the theme of a village library where the location used as a partner is Suco Hamlet, Pengampon Village, and Jombang Regency. The purpose of community service in this hamlet is to optimize the function of the village library as a learning medium for residents to develop skills and ideas for utilizing existing agricultural products. The method used in this community service is socialization, discussion forums, and implementation. The results of community service show that the collaboration of the community service team with students has finished revamping the village library, besides that there are obstacles such as the absence of human resources for village library managers so that the debriefing/training stage cannot be carried out.