Pendampingan Kinerja Bumdes Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Agrowisata di Desa Watesari Kecamatan Balongbendo Kabupaten Sidoarjo
BUMDES performance, Community Participation, Agrotourism VillageAbstract
Optimally, a village development concept requires basic things that need to be done, namely an understanding of the basic needs and general capabilities of the village community. The government has made policies that facilitate the implementation of BUMDES and are clearly stated in positive law, namely Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government, especially in Article 213 Paragraph (1) which states that Village Governments are recommended to have Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) which useful for regulating the village economy and meeting needs and exploring Village Potential. The method used to increase participation in the full role of the community in forming and running BUMDES can be done with various strategic plans, namely the strategic value of the organization, vision, mission, environmental analysis, success factors, goals or objectives and actions. This method of activity is in the form of assistance in recognizing environmental potential The village formulates a strategy with a community approach in the hope of advancing the village economy and prospering the community in Watesari village, Balongbendo district, Sidoarjo.